Yoga and Work. The Sanity Saver.

After an extended summer holiday weekend, most of us will be back at the grind, tackling what we didn’t complete earlier and stressing before lunch break just how to manage it all. In a recent Yoga Journal Magazine story, writer Nancy Wilson shares here insight on yoga in the workplace - downward dog at your desk may save you from burnout, and corporations are discovering adding yoga as a resource for employees to balance their...
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Yoga as Embodiment

Yoga has become a mainstream addiction in the North American culture. Many seek it out for its life enhancing, body image enhancing, or just plain feel good appeal. Some have the impression that yoga is easy, others experience it as hard, and others see it as an opportunity to challenge oneself mentally and physically. Even the billion dollar weight loss industry has become obsessed with the promise of Yoga to trim inches and tone, especially...
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The Once Reluctant Yogini

To look at me you would never suspect that I live with a spinal cord injury. I contracted paralytic polio when I was 5 years old in one of the last polio epidemics in the United States. Polio was  known as “the AIDS of its day”. I was shunned by classmates and grew to despise and disconnect from my body. Over four years ago now, at the age of 53,  I was diagnosed with post...
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A Yogini is Born

Our Guest Planker Angela author of Cloud of Chaos ~ I was sitting at a bar with a friend of mine, Manhattan in hand, and I commented that I would really love to have a yoga body. Pause to sip Manhattan. Then I said, "I guess that means I need to start doing yoga." Many years ago I did yoga on a pretty regular basis. I had a mat at home, which I used to...
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She's the One.

Here's a bit about the creator and founder of Plank, Doreen Hing... you can also follow Doreen's passion, initiative, projects and audacious writing on her own blog, "The Well Heeled Guru" and on her Facebook and Twitter pages. An exerpt taken from Doreen's own blog..."The Well-Heeled Guru is seen as the go-to person for getting people into yoga, however, this is not how she prefers to acknowledged. The Well-Heeled Guru’s mission is for people to...
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