Why Plank isn't interested in creating the grippiest yoga mat ever...
Plank's Connect Yoga Mat are aimed at yoga practioners who are interested in taking their yoga practice to the next level. Bla, bla, bla... I know you've possibly heard me, as well as, some other yoga mat company say this before, so my practice is to, stop. However it is still a fact that it matters to me that Plank mat users know I really do care that each and everyone of you is able to find solidity, security, power and ease in poses when you use our mats. But how can this be if Plank mats aren't super grippy.
When you practice on your tradionally grippy yoga mat or the first time you use a Plank Yoga Mat and you feel heavy in your shoulders or are collapsing onto your wrists, or if you were to practice without a mat you would slip, consider more than likely, it's you who is the problem, not the mat and that there is more to learn to construct a pose for it feel effortless and light. Our customers do not want to rely on a grippy yoga mat that will hold them in poses even if the poses are poorly constructed. Our users are more interested in learning what occurs on a bio-mechanical level when the actions of specific body parts connects to a yoga mat and how the quality of this contact, has a dramatic impact on the correct formation of the body shapes created in a yoga practice.
Innovation in the yoga mat industry has been nominal, the traditional mindset is to create grippier and grippier yoga mats, however it is worth considering that any product that makes an activity easier without a system for self awareness or learning, has the potential to slow down the learning curve and could contribute to concerns of increased injuries.
With the expansion of yoga and yoga infused fitness and well being methodologies, some of the pose study/education is side stepped, as yogis want to push themselves, often cutting educational corners, to be able to do some of the more 'challenging' poses.
Plank Yoga Mats are designed with a controlled slip and grip curve ball, to be deliberately challenging.
- At Plank, we sell to those who are interested in body to mat contact quality to create solid poses...
At Plank...
- We are asking the user to slow down, to check in and listen to the real conversation the body is having with the mind.
- We sell to those who are interested in studying what it means to be present, to really hear what needs to occur physically, in the moment, at the body to mat intersection, to make a pose stronger, easier and more expansive.
- We sell to those who care to learn and who are in awe and wonder about how little we know about the amazing machine of the human body and mind.
- We sell to those who are curious & recognise that the study of our hands & feet when poses are constructed, is never ending and there is something new to learn every time, our hands & feet touch the yoga mat.
- We sell to those who recognise that with a little machinery awareness & alignment, amazing things are possible...
Plank is the the only yoga mat company that openly wants users to slip, as we believe the person that does the learn the lesson from falling or slipping, is the one who has the capacity to grow their practice the most... and we do understand that sometimes you are skeptical or don't want to learn any more or that you've found the mat that holds you securely in place and being stuck on a particular grippy mat (no brand names mentioned) that although limiting, is just perfectly fine for now.
We trust, being the open, always present and curious yogi that you are, you will come and find us, when you're ready to take this on... If you need an additional nudge, we have a Father's Day BOGO offer. We also love to hear from skeptics, so do be skeptical, we love skeptics, they are the favourite learners and advocates...
PS... For the bloggers, if anyone knows how I can get rid of the repeated Title on the blog page opener or the '[empty]' notation below, send me a note, that would be just dandy too...