Plank Tip of the Week: Top 4 Ways to Stick to your Practice this Summer
We at Plank believe that Yoga is an essential part of maintaining physical and mental strength and clarity. Don't let your practice slip just because the temperature is rising!
Here are 4 Helpful Plank Tips for Sticking to your Yoga Practice all Summer Long:
1) Take your Yoga Practice Outdoors - lots of studios and yoga brands offer FREE outdoor classes in the summer time, so keep your eyes peeled for those in your area! Check out our Ambassador, Elizabeth Rowan, below rocking her practice outdoors!
2) Utilize Online Classes - if your Summer Schedule is jam packed and you can't make it to your local studio, try out a yoga class online instead. Plank's Founder is a huge fan of YogaGlo.
3) Check for Summer Specials - many studios offer great summer deals, like 3 months of unlimited classes for a deeply discounted price!
4) Find a Yoga Buddy - taking classes with a buddy helps to motivate you and commit to showing up on your mat. Try it!